Ingredient Spotlight: Malibu Honeysuckle Posted on 27 Aug 15:00 , 0 comments

Photo (23)A number of different species of honeysuckle grow indigenously throughout Southern California. While the flower gives off a sweet, tantalizing aroma and the nectar can be consumed, its berries are poisonous to humans, yet not to other animals. Because of its sweet nature, it is used to lure songbirds and butterflies into a garden to add to its beauty. The honeysuckle is used holistically to treat fevers, inflammation, and skin infections, as well as for its calming properties. Fun Fact: Honeysuckle can be found in cat toys as the smell attracts them. Because of its sweet nature, honeysuckle is also used to lure songbirds and butterflies into a garden. Explore the scents of Malibu here: